Online legal advice for foreigne nationals

We provide information on the Japaneselegal system at online

To all foreigners living in Okayama and other parts of Japan, do you have any problems with labor, marriage, or other legal matters in Japan?

We have staff fluent in English and Chinese.
Please contact us.

Please consult us if you have any of the following concerns

  • You have trouble with status of residence
  • You don’t know what to do after divorcing a Japanese.
  • You want to sue in Japan.
  • You want consult about a bad working environment.

Our support

Workplace and labor

Please consult with us if you want to claim unpaid overtime wages, if you have been forced to resign, if you have been unfairly dismissed, or if you have any problems regarding your working environment or treatment, such as sexual harassment.

Traffic accident

In the event of an accident, insurance claims, settlements, compensation, and various other contracts in Japan are complicated.

Status of residence

Even those who do not have status of residence may be granted special permission to stay in Japan if they have special circumstances, such as marriage to a Japanese national. Please consult with us if you are unsure of your decision or what documents to submit.

Marriage problem

If you are getting married or divorced from a Japanese national, or if you are contesting custody, you may be able to resolve the issue smoothly or claim alimony by consulting a lawyer.

Civil case

We provide defense for various civil cases such as class action lawsuits, debt consolidation, will preparation, and troubles.

Criminal case

We work with the court and prosecutors to free the accused from physical restraints and to prevent the detention from being extended, thereby achieving early release from custody, dealing with the victim, and various other defense activities.


consultation or counseling fee5,000 yen per hour
※Post-consultation fees vary depending on the scale and nature of the work.



岡山市北区東古松4-9-1 ランパス東古松102